Xbox Revisited
I am old enough to remember Steve Martin when he was a young(er) comedian on Saturday Night Live and then in movies like Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid and The Jerk. In the latter, there […]
New Book: The Wilkes Insurrection Now Available - Buy the Book
I am old enough to remember Steve Martin when he was a young(er) comedian on Saturday Night Live and then in movies like Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid and The Jerk. In the latter, there […]
Let’s get the reality out on the table early: I don’t love tradeshows. I suppose I was excited during my rookie season at Microsoft when I took my first business trip in 1988 to a […]
With E3 right around the corner I thought I’d share with you a bit of Xbox history. E3 is always a stressful time of year for those involved in the video game and entertainment industry. […]
I thought we should begin with an important question: “What do you do when you are done?” Of course, I don’t mean “done” in a grave-in-the-cemetery sort of way – but “done” in a time-to-do-something-new […]