Balancing Your Work With Your Life
Personal Time in a Passion-filled Career When I retired from Microsoft after 22 years, I assumed that my life would be more settled and run at a more comfortable pace. The Microsoft years were an […]
New Book: The Wilkes Insurrection Now Available - Buy the Book
Personal Time in a Passion-filled Career When I retired from Microsoft after 22 years, I assumed that my life would be more settled and run at a more comfortable pace. The Microsoft years were an […]
In my last post, “Knowing When to Walk Away,” I talked extensively about how you know when it is time for you to leave a job or a company. But what about the other side […]
In my 22-year career at Microsoft, I contemplated leaving the company three times. My first aborted attempt occurred in 1997 after I led the marketing team through my third version of Microsoft Office. I was […]
I’ve written a separate post about how to overcome that oh so common fear of public speaking before but the art of a formal presentation has a sub-culture all of its own. Ironically, for a […]
The interview below originally appeared on Skip Prichard’s website. Hitting Rock Bottom Robbie, the book is a wonderful read as both the inside story of the Xbox creation and then also about your personal goals […]
When I retired from Microsoft in 2010, one of the things I left behind was the responsibilities of running a large business – and the pressures that came with that. During my 22 years there, […]