E3: Here We Go
With E3 right around the corner I thought I’d share with you a bit of Xbox history. E3 is always a stressful time of year for those involved in the video game and entertainment industry. […]
New Book: The Wilkes Insurrection Now Available - Buy the Book
With E3 right around the corner I thought I’d share with you a bit of Xbox history. E3 is always a stressful time of year for those involved in the video game and entertainment industry. […]
The last Monday in May always fills me with mixed emotions. It is a day when we remember those that have fallen in the service of our country and those that stood up for our […]
If you’ve read any of my other blog posts (see Reform Interruptist or United We Stand) it is quite clear that I am passionate and patriotic about the United States. My ancestors immigrated to the […]
The Obama administration has focused a considerable amount of energy on foreign affairs over the past few months. Three initiatives are of particular importance – moving toward normalized relations with Cuba, fighting the spread of […]
When I retired from Microsoft in 2010, one of the things I left behind was the responsibilities of running a large business – and the pressures that came with that. During my 22 years there, […]
I’ve spent the last few weeks giving a number of speeches to audiences both large and small on subjects ranging from business strategy to civic engineering. This flurry of activity got started with a luncheon […]
I spent last week at my alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, teaching an honors seminar on public policy entrepreneurship and interviewing high school seniors for the Morehead-Cain scholarship program. This […]
My wife, Pauline, and I eat breakfast together most mornings and the Today Show is usually on in the background – and it comes to the foreground when it is not about some celebrity doing […]
Last week, I talked at some length about the meaning of “Going to church” and my efforts to understand its role in my life and its influence across society. I received a number of thoughtful […]
Our retired pastor joined us for dinner a week before Christmas and we had the opportunity to celebrate in the spirit of the season. We talked about the importance of family traditions and why they […]